Naganaikanahalli Population

As per the 2011 Census, Naganaikanahalli Village has a population of 1.27 k (1,272) with 688 (688) males and 584 (584) females.The sex ratio in Naganaikanahalli is 849, indicating a below-average ratio compared to the national average of 943 .

Child Population (Age group 0-6 years) of Naganaikanahalli Village is 117 (117) which is 9.2% of Naganaikanahalli Village overall population, Child sex Ratio of Naganaikanahalli Village is 696 females for every 1000 males.

Note : In the 2011 Census, Naganaikanahalli village is listed as part of the Anekal Subdistrict (Tahsil) of the Bangalore District in the state of KARNATAKA in INDIA.

The majority of the Village population resides in Rural areas.

1.27 k

Toatl Population


Male Population


Female Population

Naganaikanahalli Estimated Population in 2024

In 2024, Naganaikanahalli Village current estimated population is projected to be 1.42 k (1,415), indicating a 11.23% increased from Naganaikanahalli's population in the 2011 census. In 2024, the estimated male population is 766 , and the estimated female population is 649 .

Naganaikanahalli Estimated Population in 2025

In the year 2025, Naganaikanahalli Village estimated population is projected to be 1.42 k (1,424), projecting a 11.92% increased from Naganaikanahalli's population in the 2011 census. In 2025, the estimated male population is 771 , and the estimated female population is 654 .

Naganaikanahalli Literacy Rate

Naganaikanahalli Village has a literacy rate of 72.99% which is higher than national average of 72.98%, The Male literacy rate of Naganaikanahalli Village is 83.52 higher than national average of 80.88%, The Female literacy rate of Naganaikanahalli Village is 60.82 lower than national average of 64.63%.

Literacy Rate among Urban and rural area of Naganaikanahalli

Category Average Literacy Rate Male Literacy Rate Female Literacy Rate
Total Population 72.99 83.52 60.82
Urban Area 0 0 0
Rural Area 72.99 83.52 60.82

Naganaikanahalli Scheduled Castes (SC) Population

Scheduled Castes(SC) Population in Naganaikanahalli Village is 542 (542) with 287 (287) males and 255 (255) females, which is 42.61% of Naganaikanahalli Village overall population. The Sex Ratio among Scheduled Caste is 889 females for every 1000 males.

Naganaikanahalli Scheduled Tribes (ST) Population

Scheduled Tribes(ST) Population in Naganaikanahalli Village is 33 (33) with 24 (24) males and 9 (9) females, which is 2.59% of Naganaikanahalli Village overall population. The Sex Ratio among Scheduled Tribes is 375 females for every 1000 males.

Sex Ratio among Urban and Rural Areas of Naganaikanahalli

Category Sex Ratio
Total Population 849
Urban Area 0
Rural Area 849

Naganaikanahalli Area & Households

The Total Number of households in Naganaikanahalli Village are 311 (311).

Naganaikanahalli Workforce (Worker Profile) Overview

In Naganaikanahalli Village, there are about 575 (575) workers, making up nearly 45.2% of the Naganaikanahalli Village total population. Out of these, around 413 (413) are male workers, and about 162 (162) are female workers.

Naganaikanahalli - Estimated Population: Yearly Projections Up to 2036

Year Estimated Population Total Growth Since 2011 Annual Growth
2024 1.42 k (1,415) 11.23%
2025 1.42 k (1,424) 11.92% 0.69 %
2026 1.43 k (1,432) 12.53% 0.61 %
2027 1.44 k (1,439) 13.07% 0.54 %
2028 1.45 k (1,446) 13.62% 0.55 %
2029 1.45 k (1,453) 14.17% 0.55 %
2030 1.46 k (1,460) 14.72% 0.55 %
2031 1.47 k (1,466) 15.2% 0.48 %
2032 1.47 k (1,471) 15.62% 0.42 %
2033 1.48 k (1,477) 16.04% 0.42 %
2034 1.48 k (1,482) 16.47% 0.43 %
2035 1.49 k (1,487) 16.89% 0.42 %
2036 1.49 k (1,493) 17.31% 0.42 %

Projected estimates indicate that Naganaikanahalli Village's population in 2036 is expected to reach around 1.49 k (1,493), with a male population of 808 (808) and a female population of 685 (685). This reflects a total growth of 17.31% from Naganaikanahalli Village's population in the 2011 census, with an average yearly growth rate of 0.51%.

Naganaikanahalli Locality & Nearby Villages

# Village Name Village Population
1 Kempavaderahalli 287
2 Dodda Hagade 898
3 Kunmadivala 480
4 Byagadadenahalli 1,435
5 Marasur 3,034
6 Madivala 2,792
7 Bandapura 853
8 Marasur Agrahara 136
9 Thattanahalli 923
10 Avadadenahalli 680

Naganaikanahalli Census Frequently Asked Questions

According to the Census 2011, the population of Naganaikanahalli is 1.27 k (1,272).

The estimated population of Naganaikanahalli in 2024 is approximately 1.42 k (1,415).

The Scheduled Castes (SC) population in Naganaikanahalli is 542 (42.61%), and the Scheduled Tribes (ST) population is 33 (2.59%).

According to the 2011 Census, the literacy rate in Naganaikanahalli is 72.99%, with male literacy at 83.52% and female literacy at 60.82%.

The sex ratio in Naganaikanahalli is 849 females for every 1000 males.

Naganaikanahalli population is projected to grow at an average yearly rate of around 0.51% up to 2036.