Scheduled Castes(SC) population in india

The total population of Scheduled Castes (SCs) in India stands at approximately 201,378,372 individuals. This population is comprised of roughly 103,535,314 males and 97,843,058 females, indicating a sex ratio of 946 females for every 1000 males among the SC population.

The states with the highest SC population are predominantly located in northern and eastern India. Uttar Pradesh tops the list with over 41 million SC individuals, followed by West Bengal and Bihar with approximately 21 and 16 million respectively. Southern states like Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh also show a significant SC population with approximately 14 million each.

However, states in Northeast India like Mizoram, Daman & Diu, and Dadra & Nagar Haveli have significantly lower SC populations, all below 10,000 individuals. The Union Territory of Chandigarh and the state of Tripura also have relatively lower SC populations, both less than 1 million.

Interestingly, some states show a sex ratio in favor of females among the SC population, which is unusual considering the overall trend in India. These include Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Goa, and Puducherry, all with a sex ratio of over 1000 females per 1000 males. Conversely, states like Haryana, Delhi, and Chandigarh show a significantly lower female-to-male ratio.

Rank State Population % Male Female Sex ratio
- India 20,13,78,372 16.63% 10,35,35,314 9,78,43,058 946
1 UTTAR PRADESH 4,13,57,608 20.7% 2,16,76,975 1,96,80,633 908
2 WEST BENGAL 2,14,63,270 23.51% 1,10,03,304 1,04,59,966 951
3 BIHAR 1,65,67,325 15.91% 86,06,253 79,61,072 926
4 TAMIL NADU 1,44,38,445 20.01% 72,04,687 72,33,758 1005
5 ANDHRA PRADESH 1,38,78,078 16.41% 69,13,047 69,65,031 1008
6 MAHARASHTRA 1,32,75,898 11.81% 67,67,759 65,08,139 962
7 RAJASTHAN 1,22,21,593 17.83% 63,55,564 58,66,029 923
8 MADHYA PRADESH 1,13,42,320 15.62% 59,08,638 54,33,682 920
9 KARNATAKA 1,04,74,992 17.15% 52,64,545 52,10,447 990
10 PUNJAB 88,60,179 31.94% 46,39,875 42,20,304 910
11 ODISHA 71,88,463 17.13% 36,17,808 35,70,655 987
12 HARYANA 51,13,615 20.17% 27,09,656 24,03,959 888
13 GUJARAT 40,74,447 6.74% 21,10,331 19,64,116 931
14 JHARKHAND 39,85,644 12.08% 20,43,458 19,42,186 951
15 CHHATTISGARH 32,74,269 12.82% 16,41,738 16,32,531 995
16 KERALA 30,39,573 9.1% 14,77,808 15,61,765 1057
17 NCT OF DELHI 28,12,309 16.75% 14,88,800 13,23,509 889
18 ASSAM 22,31,321 7.15% 11,45,314 10,86,007 949
19 UTTARAKHAND 18,92,516 18.76% 9,68,586 9,23,930 954
20 HIMACHAL PRADESH 17,29,252 25.19% 8,76,300 8,52,952 974
21 JAMMU & KASHMIR 9,24,991 7.38% 4,86,232 4,38,759 903
22 TRIPURA 6,54,918 17.83% 3,34,370 3,20,548 959
23 CHANDIGARH 1,99,086 18.86% 1,06,356 92,730 872
24 PUDUCHERRY 1,96,325 15.73% 95,512 1,00,813 1056
25 MANIPUR 97,328 3.41% 48,863 48,465 992
26 SIKKIM 28,275 4.63% 14,454 13,821 957
27 GOA 25,449 1.74% 12,627 12,822 1016
28 MEGHALAYA 17,355 0.59% 9,157 8,198 896
29 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 6,186 1.8% 3,339 2,847 853
30 DAMAN & DIU 6,124 2.52% 3,151 2,973 944
31 MIZORAM 1,218 0.11% 807 411 510
33 LAKSHADWEEP 0 0% 0 0 -
35 NAGALAND 0 0% 0 0 -